World Photographic Cup / Top 10
32 nations from around the globe participated in the 2023 World Photographic Cup, an international competition in which a team of photographers represent their home country. For Team Canada, the extensive process began last summer, when submissions came in from coast to coast, vying for only 3 precious spots in each of the eight categories. The final 24 images went on to represent Canada at the World Photographic Cup.
Along with one other Canadian Top 10 finalists Holly-Lynn is now in the running for individual Gold, Silver, or Bronze medals at the awards ceremony to be held in Singapore on March 17, 2023. And depending on their final ranking, these images have the chance to help Team Canada win the World Photographic Cup!
“This has become the greatest highlight of my career so far and it has boosted my confidence in my own photographic skills exponentially. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for myself and the rest of Team Canada.”
2023 World Top 10 / Holly-Lynn Latimour
Holly is a professional product and portrait photographer with a passion for creating unique and exciting images for her clients. She is always looking for new ways to share her vision with her audience.
I created this photograph as a way to combine my two passions together, soccer and photography, and I can now share my vision on a Global Stage. Photography as an art form has been constantly evolving and Photoshop has become, at least in my own work, an integral part of this profession. Photography has become a perfect blend of science, art and creativity. My own skills have been developing over the years as well, and I wanted to combine my expertise of studio lighting with my knowledge in the ‘Digital Darkroom’ to create this image.